Welcome to The Creator’s Hub—where we shamelessly flex other people’s talents! Got a poem, art, or a kazoo solo you think deserves a spotlight? Toss it our way, and we’ll slap your name on it like a badge of honor. Creativity thrives here; egos explode. You’re welcome.
By @aryan_tran
up and above
drooling on a torn rug
dreamed a little child
midst the clutter and chaos
beyond the rice fields
one day he shall reach the sky
the stars fell on his knees
away moved the sky
rain trickled down from his cheeks
the sunflowers faced the eye
dreams are, after all too good to be true
knew the little guy
for his eyelids had been sealed shut
with a faint promise of never opening them to pry
a dream it was nevertheless
an ill defined series of delusions
little did it offer yet much enough to live off
split seconds of peace
his world was so devoid of
the air stilled and flies stopped buzzing
the world fell onto an eternal silence
up and above
drooling on a torn rug
dreamed a little child
midst the clutter and chaos
beyond the rice fields
one day,
he shall reach
✨ the skies ✨